The DP0030A/31A/32A/33A probes are high-voltage differential active probes. While you can use these probes with a Keysight oscilloscope having 1M Ω input impedance, the DP0030A model is compatible with other (non-Keysight) oscilloscopes with 1M Ω input impedance. The DP003xA series probes are equipped with either Keysight Technologies’ AutoProbe1 interface or a standard BNC interface.

The DP0031A/32A/33A probes come with the Keysight Autoprobe 1 interface (via I2C) to connect to a Keysight oscilloscope. This interface provides the probe power, offset, and auto-configuration of probe type and attenuation setting on connection.

The DP0030A model does not have an Autoprobe interface. It has a cable with BNC for RF and a cable with USB-A connector on it to be powered by a USB port on the host scope. Both of these cables are 1 m long. DP0030A probes do not support controlling any probe settings via the USB interface–it is power-only. The USB cable is hard-wired into the probe body. Since this probe model has a universal BNC and USB interface, it is compatible with any oscilloscope with 1M Ohm BNC inputs, including Keysight’s InfiniiVision 1000X and 2000X-Series oscilloscopes.


Key Features & Specifications

  DP0030A DP0031A DP0032A DP0033A
Bandwidth 100 MHz 200 MHz 200 MHz 200 MHz
Attenuation (high/low) 250/25:1 500/50:1 1000/100:1 2000/200:1
Maximum differential measurement range (high/low attenuation) ±750 / ±75 V ±750 / ±75 V ±1500 / ±150V ±3000 / ±300V
Oscilloscope interface BNC + USB AutoProbe1

Standard Probe Accessories (for use with DP003xA probes)

Following standard accessories are shipped with the DP003xA probes. Additional accessories are also available that you can order separately as the DP0040A / DP0041A accessory kit.

Description Rating Part no.
Extension lead set, 1 m 7 kVpeak MAINS ISOLATED, 1 kVrms CAT III DP0040-68702
Jaws test clip set 1.5 kVpeak MAINS ISOLATED, 1 kVrms CAT III DP0040-68703
Hook test clip set 1.5 kVpeak MAINS ISOLATED, 1 kVrms CAT III DP0040-68704
Alligator test clip set, 3000 V 3 kVpeak MAINS ISOLATED, 1 kVrms CAT III DP0040-68705
Alligator test clip set, 7000 V 7 kVpeak MAINS ISOLATED, 1 kVrms CAT III DP0040-68706



Oscilloscope Series Compatibility with DP003xA Probes Required Software Version
Infiniium Oscilloscopes
EXR-Series Infiniium 11.62 or higher
MXR-Series Infiniium 11.62 or higher
InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes
1000 X-Series ♦ (supports DP0030A probes only) Last supported version available
2000 X-Series ♦ (supports DP0030A probes only) Last supported version available
3000T X-Series InfiniiVision 7.65 or higher
3000G X-Series InfiniiVision 7.65 or higher
4000 X-Series InfiniiVision 7.65 or higher
6000 X-Series InfiniiVision 7.65 or higher
HD3-Series InfiniiVision 10.06 or higher